Patrick's destiny by Sherryl Woods

Patrick's destiny by Sherryl Woods

Author:Sherryl Woods [Sherryl Woods]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: Roman
ISBN: 9780373245499
Published: 2003-07-01T06:37:12+00:00

Patrick had second and then third thoughts on the drive down to Boston. Michael’s wedding was just about the last place on earth he wanted to be, but he’d made his brothers a promise and he didn’t intend to break it. If having him there made up for some of the old hurts inflicted by their folks, then it was the least he could do.

He drove straight to his oldest brother’s pub, then stood outside Ryan’s Place trying to work up the courage to go in. At that moment he regretted, more than he could say, not trying harder to talk Alice into coming with him. Staring through the glass, he was grateful that the pub was packed. He doubted Ryan would have much time for him. He could say hello and head to his hotel, then try to regroup in time for tomorrow’s wedding. With any luck there would be so much commotion at the wedding no one would even notice he was there.

When Patrick finally walked into the bar, Ryan spotted him at once and his face lit up.

“You’re just in time,” he called out. “I could use some help back here. You any good at pouring drinks?”

“I’ve filled in for Molly a time or two,” Patrick admitted, relieved to have something to do. “Nice place you’ve got here. You always this busy?”

“It’s a Friday night. We have music starting in an hour. If you think it’s packed now, just wait.”

“Aren’t you supposed to be going to the rehearsal dinner in a little while?”

“Maggie and Caitlyn will stand in for me,” Ryan said. “Besides, I wanted to spend some time with you. Since you turned down the invitation to the dinner, I figured this would be my best chance. Michael understands. He knows what it’s like around here on the weekends. That’s one reason he’s having a morning wedding, so the reception will be over with in time for me to get back here tomorrow night.” He grinned. “That and the fact that he’s anxious to get Kelly on a plane to head for their honeymoon. They’re going to some Caribbean island.”

“Sounds romantic,” Patrick said.

“Our brother has a romantic streak. I guess all the Devaneys do, once some woman manages to knock down the walls we’ve built around our hearts. What about you? Anyone ever gotten through your defenses?”

Patrick’s heart thudded dully at the first volley from his big brother. Because Ryan was heading down a path Patrick didn’t want to explore, he decided to turn the tables.

“Tell me about Maggie and your daughter,” he said. “You have any pictures around here?”

Ryan regarded him with a knowing expression but didn’t call him on the deliberate distraction. “Upstairs in our old apartment, where you’ll be staying,” Ryan said. “If you want to take your stuff on up and get settled, I can handle things here for a bit.”

Grateful for the excuse to have a few minutes to himself, Patrick grabbed his suitcase and headed upstairs. He closed the door to the apartment behind him and drew in a deep breath.


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